Open Morning

Our Secondary School Open Morning is due to take place on Saturday 2nd November.

To find out more or to register, please click here.


Hutchesons’ is looking for well-rounded, curious pupils with a genuine interest in learning. We also value interests that stretch beyond the confines of the academic curriculum. The school has strong traditions in music, drama, art, debating, community activities and sport. We run many extra-curricular activities, all of which are important in developing a well-balanced, confident and responsible individual.

Our entrance process is designed to gain a better understanding of each child and identify their potential.

P1 – P2 Entry

The assessment process in infants is low key. We want to establish where the children are in their learning and development. By chatting with the children, we will learn what they are interested in; likes and dislikes, hobbies, or sports they enjoy.

There is no preparation required.

Assessment for Primary 1

P1 applicants are invited in for a group assessment. This is a chance for your child to feel comfortable in a new environment, playing games and chatting about their interests. We like to have this completed before the January assessment.

January Assessment

We cover a variety of areas through a range of activities and puzzles, in line with tasks the children would do in nursery or preschool or school, depending on age. We want to establish where each child’s understanding or development is in relation to curricular areas. Eg Fine and Gross motor skills, listening to and following instruction, numeracy and language skills and identifying patterns.

Assessment for Primary 2

This assessment follows a similar format as above for P1 and allows us to establish where each child’s understanding or development is in relation to phonics, numeracy, story writing and reasoning (identifying patterns in shapes and words).



P3 – P7 Entry

Our entrance process is designed to gain a better understanding of each child and identify their potential. To do this, our assessment has two stages:

Stage 1 – As a starting point we invite you and your child in for an informal chat with one of our Depute Rectors to ensure that we hear each child’s story. We ask for any relevant information about your child’s learning: their interests, strengths, challenges and previous schooling. It is also a good opportunity for you to ask questions and to talk more about life at Hutchie and how we can meet your child’s needs.

Stage 2 – This stage assesses a child’s aptitude or learning potential. We use a computer-based assessment tool that focusses on assessing different areas of learning:

  • Verbal Reasoning – the ability to express ideas and reason through words is essential to subjects with a high language content, and the most obvious skill picked up by traditional assessment.
  • Non-verbal Reasoning – problem-solving using pictures and diagrams; skills which are important in a wide range of school subjects, including maths and science-based subjects.
  • Spatial Reasoning – the capacity to think and draw conclusions in three dimensions, needed for many STEM subjects, but not easily measured by other datasets.
  • Quantitative Reasoning – the ability to use numerical skills to solve problems, applicable well beyond mathematics.

Key competencies in reading, writing and spelling are also assessed. The information gained helps us to understand your child’s learning needs so that we can make sure that we have the right support in place, ensuring every new pupil is able to settle in quickly, access the curriculum and begin to flourish.

There is no preparation needed for these assessments. We also use the same tests at the beginning of each academic year with our current pupils.

Our Entrance Assessment Day for August 2024 entry will take place on Friday 19th January 2024, discover more and apply now via the links below.