Open Morning

Our Secondary School Open Morning is due to take place on Saturday 2nd November.

To find out more or to register, please click here.


An academic institution like Hutchesons’, continuously adapting and improving for over three centuries, develops a natural, positive tradition and sense of ethos, carried forward by each individual connected to the school.

Every adult, child, pupil, teacher and staff member takes on something of the spirit of Hutchesons’ and the school in turn benefits from their individual experiences and interests.

Six Aims of Our Education

Historically there has been a desire to record and recognise this process in a more tangible form. In 1957, John Hutchison (then Rector) published his “Six Aims of Our Education” which were also displayed on the walls of every classroom at the time.

  • To seek for truth, through research and clear and honest thinking.
  • To appreciate beauty, in nature and in art in all its forms.
  • To develop a strong, healthy body, controlled by a clean, healthy mind.
  • To respect differences, whether they be differences in age, economic levels, educational levels, nationality, creed or colour.
  • To consider our fellows, and to use our talents, skills and knowledge to serve others as well as self.
  • To know the will of God, and to do it.

Core values

Although aware of the difficulty of summarising a complex educational process and richness of a child’s experiences at Hutchesons’ into a few words, former Rector, Dr Ken Greig, introduced six very relevant core values in 2009.

  • Honesty
  • Resilience
  • Independence
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity
  • Compassion

These six simple words underpin the academic and co-curricular activities of the modern school and can also be seen to reflect the aims and ambitions of Hutchesonians throughout the decades.