Hutchie Holiday Club

Join the Hutchie Holiday Club this summer! Open to all children aged 4-16 from any school, our fun-filled programme can be viewed here.

Charity Cycle Effort S6 pupil Nicholas recently returned from Malawi where he raised £1,131 by cycling for the charity, 500 Miles. Travelling 252 ...
2018 Macmillan Coffee Morning The Senior school community enjoyed a coffee and cake morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, raising a total of ...
Hutchie Ski Win After a rigorous trial, 12 children in P5-7 were selected to race for Hutchie in the Scottish Schools Ski Association ...
Charity Champions S4 YPI winners were formally thanked at Glasgow City Chambers this week for their charity contribution which went towards a ...
Town Planners P6 pupils had the opportunity to learn about town planning with a Shape City Competition which helped them remember the ...
Pre-School Opening It was a monumental day for Hutchesons’ as the Pre-School was officially opened by honoured guest, Nancy Allan, BA, PGCE ...
Getting Personal It’s not easy to write about yourself.  Modesty often gets in the way. The Personal Statement is perhaps the most ...
Star Writer P6 pupil Alexa recently celebrated a fantastic achievement – getting her very first book ‘The Girl in the Volcano, and ...
Band Camp 2018 Senior music pupils enjoyed an unforgettable weekend as they held a wind rehearsal weekend in Aberfoyle. Over 40 pupils from ...
World Champion Congratulations to P6 pupil Myles who won the under 12 piano competition at the ‘All Ireland Fleadh’ in Drogheda last ...
Summer Swimming Success Three Senior swimmers performed very well at the Scottish National Summer Meet in Aberdeen, which invited the top twenty four ...
Hutchie Tie Travels Dozens of pupils packed their school ties and took pictures of them at famous landmarks around the world for our ...