Hutchie Holiday Club

Join the Hutchie Holiday Club this summer! Open to all children aged 4-16 from any school, our fun-filled programme can be viewed here.

Sports Science Lab Visit Higher PE pupils recently embarked on an enlightening visit to the Sports Science Labs at Glasgow University. The visit aimed ...
Florida Trip Over the February break, Mrs Munro, Ms Armour, Mr McMullan and Dr Walker took a group of 35 pupils from ...
Berlin Cultural Trip 2024 During the February Break, thirty-three S2-S4 pupils made their way to Berlin to broaden their cultural knowledge and widen their ...
S3 Technology Trip Our S3 Engineering Science pupils spent the day at the Forth Bridges Education Centre last week to meet with bridge ...
Senior Choir Visit Leipzig During the October break, the Senior Choir embarked on a tour to Germany. Staying in Leipzig, and led by their ...
WWI Battlefields Across the October break, the History Department took almost 80 pupils to visit the battlefields on the former Western Front ...
S3 Geography Field Trip Last Thursday, 55 of our S3 Geographers pulled on their wellies and embarked on a fun-filled and educational visit to ...
Festival of Heraldry The Rector Colin Gambles, Depute Head Boy Robin, and prefect Gregor attended the Festival of Heraldry in St Giles Cathedral ...