Hutchie Holiday Club

Join the Hutchie Holiday Club this summer! Open to all children aged 4-16 from any school, our fun-filled programme can be viewed here.


Welcome to the Pre-School

Since we opened Hutchesons’ Grammar Pre-School in August 2018, we have recognised the benefits of the outdoors for our Pre-School children. It has always been our intention to offer outdoor provision and acquiring 10 acres of land at Hutchesons’ Pollok Park (H@PP) has given Hutchesons’ Pre-School an outdoor space for all our children.

Outdoor Learning

All Children at the Pre-School (pre-schoolers and nursery) spend half their time at H@PP (on Haggs Road) and half their time at the pre-school facility at Kingarth Street. The children attend Kingarth Street and H@PP with their key person group.

We operate a two-week rolling programme with five consecutive days at either H@PP or Kingarth Street. This provides a balance between both sites, a depth to learning so the children can return somewhere the next day and a routine to follow for families.

A shuttle bus operates between both sites for families who have siblings within the Primary school.