Hutchie Holiday Club

Join the Hutchie Holiday Club this summer! Open to all children aged 4-16 from any school, our fun-filled programme can be viewed here.

Synagogue Visit Primary 4 been studying Judaism as part of the R.E. curriculum and thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Garnethill Synagogue. Mrs ...
Nitte 2018 Update Our Nitte pupils are having a wonderful time! Yesterday they travelled by Tuk Tuk to meet pupils from our partnership ...
HMP Greenock Visit Written by S6 pupil Abby In November, the Advanced Higher Modern Studies class had the opportunity to visit HMP Greenock ...
Jobs for Victorian Children P6 pupils have been learning about Victorian times and participated in a series of trips to understand what life would ...
Scotland Street School Visit All four P6 classes experienced life as it would have been for a child in the Victorian times. Not many ...
Photography up close Sixth Year pupils studying Higher Photography recently visited Street Level Photoworks to see the current exhibition which focuses on portraiture. ...
Albert Bartlett Factory Trip S4 Business Management pupils had a fantastic opportunity as they visited the Albert Bartlett factory in Airdrie on September 24th ...
Remembering the Soldiers S1 pupil, Yusuf writes about his experience attending the first ever National Muslim Service of Commemoration at the Woking Peace ...