Hutchie Holiday Club

Join the Hutchie Holiday Club this summer! Open to all children aged 4-16 from any school, our fun-filled programme can be viewed here.

The Spotlight on Creativity The art department has been creating lots of new opportunities for pupils and staff to develop their creative skills through ...
Rugby Success The P6A rugby team had a great morning in the driving rain as they played against Glasgow Academy earlier this ...
Whizz Kid Congratulations to S3 pupil, Jim, who achieved the top award in the Junior Mathematics Challenge set by the United Kingdom ...
G&T Awards 2018 Former pupil, Matt Manson (C1984), returned to Beaton Road on November 9th to receive the George and Thomas Hutcheson Award ...
Enterprising Mathematics Competition Finals A team of maths pupils succeeded in gaining a place in the Scottish Final of the Enterprising Mathematics Competition after ...
Pumpkin Pre-School Fun The Pre-School pupils have had a very busy time exploring pumpkins and all things Hallowe’en. This autumn the children took ...
GP Visit P1 pupils enjoyed a workshop with current parent, Dr Iqbal, who visited on November 2nd to discuss her day to ...
Top Speakers On Tuesday 1st November Shona (S4) and Pragna (S5) spoke in the first heat of the prestigious Rotary Club of ...
Rugby Success The U16 Rugby squad performed very well against Kelso High School in the Scottish Schools Plate competition in October. On ...
Slalom Stars Having finished in Silver Medal position in the Scottish Schools Ski Association team slalom event in September, the Hutchie team ...
Scottish Schools’ Road Relay Well done to the nine primary pupils who represented Hutchie at the Scottish Schools’ Road Relay event at Grangemouth on ...
S3 Drama Competition This year’s annual S3 Drama Competition was another very successful evening. Around thirty S3 pupils took part and were directed ...